As we are fully aware of importance of Rabbitmq in enterprise environements. Today we will discuss how can we install rabbitmq in cluster mode in AWS on Centos 7. AWS Environment: In order to start installation of rabbitmq we will launch two ec2 instances with Centos 7 on them. We will add autoscaling group and configure Load Balancer for them.…
Category: Linux

Top 5 challenges faced in migration of backup infrastructure
1. Inventory – As infrastructure remain dispersed around the globe for most of the big players the major challenge is to finalize the inventory for which we need to do consolidation or migration. What policies are currently configured, what is the data source and how they are managing restores? The consolidation process becomes stagnant if inventory varies with time or…

Installing cacti on aws
Cacti is a absolute frontend to RRDTool, it stores all of the necessary information to plot graphs and populate them with data in MySQL database. The frontend is particularly PHP driven. Along with being able to maintain Graphs, Data Sources, and Round Robin Archives in a database, cacti control the data gathering. Prerequisite Cacti requires that the following software is…

Linux Basic Directory strucuture
Linux Basic Directory structure : bin – This directory is used to store the system’s executable files. Most users are able to access this directory as it does not usually contain system critical files. etc – This folder stores the configuration files for the majority of services and programs run on the machine. These configuration files are all plain text…