Cloud computing is playing and played a vital part in accelerating the human efforts to solution an immediate pandemic problem. When we talk about pandemic resolution, it ranges from doing real-time data analysis and real time consolidated reporting to provide the key parameters for researchers, governments and first responders to implement the solution effectively. Cloud Computing in Research Basic benefits…
Category: health

Marriott Experience during COVID 19 times – Legendshub Blog
Recently from June 29th to July 3rd 2020, I travelled to Pennsylvania and stayed in Marriott near Philadelphia. I don’t want to revel the exact Marriott branch as my aim of the blog is not to criticize any management but to provide with the real experience to the readers. During my stay I will try to evaluate each of 5…

The Role of Technology in the Fight against Covid-19: Contact Tracing Apps – Legndshub Blog
Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus. At the moment, there are over 8 million confirmed cases globally. The virus that causes coronavirus disease is considered to be transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person exhales, sneezes, or coughs. Virus can also be contracted by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or…

Technology News for the week (3/15/2020) – Legendshub Blog
Hello Guys, Welcome to Legends hub Blog. Top technology news for the week are as follows. 1.) Bangladesh, a Forefront of Technology for Women Afsara Benzair, a student of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), says she always had the knack for Mathematics and Physics and my interest in these subjects pushed me to choose engineering. And while the…

Pollution is not only Delhi’s Problem – Alarming Indian Pollution
When i am writing the post the Air quality index is touching 400 on an average which is Severe Healthy emergency. Do we really need Infrastructure, statues etc first or we need clear, healthy air to survive. When we will start making decisions which are long term rather than selecting electoral on basis of caste, religion or region. I am…

“Wealth is Health” has become new proverb for IT people which need turnover
Wealth is new health or wealth is more healthy. The inclination of cardiac and diabetic trends in Adults is really alarming and fostering my subject. According to studies published .The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2007) , sugar consumption in society increased by 50 %.The most given answer to get high profile role is “I want to have good compensation…