Cloud computing is playing and played a vital part in accelerating the human efforts to solution an immediate pandemic problem. When we talk about pandemic resolution, it ranges from doing real-time data analysis and real time consolidated reporting to provide the key parameters for researchers, governments and first responders to implement the solution effectively.
Cloud Computing in Research
Basic benefits of cloud computing of cost and reliability are always key attributes to cloud adoption but it is not limited to these two factors. Medical industry require high performance compute, which need scalability. As cloud computing provide the luxury of dynamically increasing the compute on demand. Traditional system scaling require hectic change management process which often delay the scaling but in cloud computing scaling can be made part of stack creation which does not require additional approvals.
As research organizations, need data shared between them in order to reach to any tangible results. Cloud computing provide managed services where data can be moved seamlessly and securely across the organizations.
Only handful of organization have access to high performance compute and that too is very much centralized as well. Cloud computing is giving new ventures of using distributed system and in demand processing power enabling machines to execute complex algorithms.
Cloud in Data modeling and predictive analysis
Using ETL process by ingesting data having multiple dimensions and the using accurate regression models to provide accurate prediction for multiple attribute has become need of an hour in this pandemic. States, which were struggling with their technology stacks, are rescued by cloud platform to quickly enable the managed platform, which can consume the real time data and provide the spreading trends up to a street level so that hot spot of COVID can be proactively taken care. Resource allocation which include predicting ventilators demands and ICU beds are been taken care before time by leveraging the analytics provided by cloud platform.
Cloud in tracing and screening
Contactless and touchless is prerequisite for breaking chain for this pandemic, as it is a respiratory virus. Cloud technology has helped multiple businesses to create such solution ranges from work from home to sensor based utilities which will allow businesses to run in limited way rather then being completely locked out.
Multiple counties are using cloud-based tool to screen and redirect positive individuals to appropriate authorities for further care. Gathering real time epidemiological and clinical data from patients to find treatments and mapping them to right screening framework is a big challenge. However, cloud platforms are coming up with integrated solution to achieve it.
Cloud in Philanthropy
Various cloud consumers are confronting revenue challenges during these unprecedented times. Providers can chime in by offering financial discounts to customers, especially small and midsize businesses and startups. Consider cloud-based collaboration discounts or for free, at least for a limited period of time.
Cloud computing use cases by multiple cloud vendors
Oracle is collaborating with the National Institutes of Health to support COVID-19 Prevention Network by building the Volunteer Screening Registry. Oracle is using cloud technology partnering with Tony Blair Institute (TBI) to manage large scale vaccination program in Africa.
Researchers at Flinders University in South Australia announced that they teamed with Oracle and an Australian biotech company Vaxine to analyze the COVID-19 virus and pinpoint a vaccine candidate
Genome analysis is one of the compute intensive action. ATGENOMIX SeqsLab, the Bio-IT leverages Microsoft Azure and can analyze genomic workloads multiple times faster than conventional analysis workflow methods. According to developers the work of week analysis using cloud as compared to traditional system is been handled in matter of couple of hours.
IBM has launched the vaccine distribution and analysis solution, which will leverage open shift and containers platform on IBM cloud with blockchain for authenticity and reduce vaccine forfeiting
IBM research, MIT Data Science Lab and pharmaceutical companies utilize machine-learning models to identify potential hotspots at specific location precision for making accurate the supply chain decisions. This requires transparency in AI before pushing any changes to supply chain execution.
In July Release AWS said “Leveraging its mRNA platform and manufacturing facility with the AWS-powered research engine, Moderna delivered the first clinical batch of its vaccine candidate (mRNA-1273) against COVID-19 to the NIH for the Phase 1 trial 42 days after the initial sequencing of the virus,” According to AWS. Moderna is using Redshift fully managed solution with ML and Analytics to expedite the research program goals.
Salesforce recently created the new site to bolster companies safely open and revive their day-to-day operational models as the coronavirus spreading continuously.
Alibaba cloud is offering Epidemic Prediction Technology which can be used to predict the spread of COVID19 and help stakeholders to evaluate impact of controls been enforced.
Back in March, Google set in motion new COVID-19 public datasets into Google Cloud Public Datasets program to make analytic COVID-19 datasets available to the public to analyze using BigQuery service.
In summary, the trends of cloud adoption are positive after COVID pandemic and may be one of few economics, which is running on green. This indicates the importance of cloud computing which is been endorsed by many in visionaries from last decade. Digital transformation can be expedited by leveraging the potential of cloud computing.
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