Puppet installation on Linux – Legendshub Blog

Puppet is configuration management tool. In this article, we will focus on installing Puppet master and puppet client.

Puppet is designed in an agent-master architecture in this write up although puppet also has concept of Puppet Hiera. Puppet agent chronically sends facts to puppet master and request a catalog. The puppet master compiles and returns respective node’s catalog.


Ntp – The timing of the master and client nodes should be accurately in sync with the NTP server because the Puppet server will be acting as the certificate authority.

DNS/Hosts Entry – The Puppet agent uses the hostname to communicate with the Puppet Server. So, make sure agent nodes can resolve the hostname of the Puppet Server

Installing the Puppet Server role:

To install the Puppet Server, we would need to add the puppet repository by installing the repository configuration package.

Install the Puppet server using the below command.

rpm -Uvh https://yum.puppet.com/puppet6-release-el-8.noarch.rpm

Once repository is enabled, we will install puppet master by using following command.

yum install -y puppetserver

By default, Puppet Server is configured to use 2GB of memory. You can change the memory allocation by editing the java variables in

vi /etc/sysconfig/puppetserver

JAVA_ARGS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g -Djruby.logger.class=com.puppetlabs.jruby_utils.jruby.Slf4jLogger"

Here you can change the -Xms and -Xmx variables according the vm memory availability. We have observed values below 1 GB generally doesn’t perform well.

We will start editing Puppet’s configuration file consists of two sections named [master] and [main] for Puppet server and agent respectively.

# Pupper Server Configuration

dns_alt_names = puppetserver,puppetserver.itzgeek.local # Puppet Agent Configuration

certname = puppetserver.itzgeek.local server = puppetserver.itzgeek.local runinterval = 30m

Generate the root and intermediate signing CA for Puppet Server.

puppetserver ca setup

Start and enable the Puppet Server.

systemctl start puppetserver

systemctl enable puppetserver

Amrit Pal singh

Designing critical migration from legacy to cloud environments, extending devops approach into analytics, AI/ML to maximize the purpose of agile approach. We work to integrate compliance with risk, security and regulations, building seamless interfaces across multiple systems. I am fortunate to manage complex hierarchy of global portfolios, programs and projects and executive communication . Provide TCO analyses to low level architecture, design and implementation, readiness and building BCP/DR/HA, and around the clock monitoring & management using cloud tools relevant to our customer's situation and objectives.

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