Cloud computing is playing and played a vital part in accelerating the human efforts to solution an immediate pandemic problem. When we talk about pandemic resolution, it ranges from doing real-time data analysis and real time consolidated reporting to provide the key parameters for researchers, governments and first responders to implement the solution effectively. Cloud Computing in Research Basic benefits…
Interconnected Pieces Of a Divine Puzzle – Legendshub Blog
Having reverence for mother earth. Living in harmony with nature, staying close to nature, taking pleasure in doing the simple things of life like working with your own hands and feeling the soil, the water, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the warm rays of the sun and enjoying the greenery around you. Engaging in a dialogue with nature, at…
Education and Development of Life Skills – Legendshub Blog
Life is a dynamic, constantly subjected to a state of flux. The ups and downs that human beings deal with are major characteristics of life. It had been rightly said that life is not bed of roses rather it is a battlefield. Every human being is soldier who continuously fights against all odds in order to become victorious. Situations…
Learning Beyond The Classroom – Legendshub Blog
“By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit. Literacy is not the end of education or even the beginning.” –M. K. Gandhi “Learning is the relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behavior due to experience. This definition has three components: 1) the duration of the change is long-term…
Rotational Spectroscopy – Legendshub Blog
In the previous blog we introduced spectroscopy and its different techniques. In this blog we will discuss Rotational Spectroscopy (also known as Microwave Spectroscopy) in detail. Rotational spectroscopy measures a high-resolution spectrum where the spectral pattern is determined by the three-dimensional structure of the molecule. The quantized energy levels for the spectroscopy come from the overall rotational motion of…
Spectroscopy – Legendshub Blog
There are Millions of chemical compounds everywhere around us. So one question can come in our mind that How can we Identify these compounds? Spectroscopy is the answer of this question. There are a number of spectroscopy techniques by which we can easily know about the structure of the compounds, which elements are present in the compound. In other…
How to flourish as starter in high disruptive retail business – Legendshub Blog
In this blog we will be highlighting some of practices which can be effectively used by new retailers to establish themselves in so called most disruptive times in the retail history. From last 2 decades fundamentals of retail have been dynamically impacted due to handshake of retail with technology which is also described as digitalization of retail or e-commerce. If…
Dvija Or Born Twice – Legendshub Blog
Everyone is born twice in during their life journey. The first birth is our physical birth from our biological mother and father. The second birth is the spiritual birth when the Soul seeks the truth. In the second birth the soul is awakened to another set of father and mother. The Supreme father is the father of all souls and…
Divine Connection – Legendshub Blog
Everything that a person is blessed with in his life has a subtle extra-ordinariness, a magical touch to it and to establish a vibrant connection between the soul and the Supreme in this intensely hectic life requires commitment. To let this relationship blossom at its own pace naturally during our daily practice of remembrance and gratitude for the Supreme. The…
Divine Healing – Legendshub Blog
Assuming we start a journey in the morning wearing a white dress and return home in the evening. The white dress which was completely neat and clean in immaculate condition in the morning is not the same by evening, depending on the person wearing it. It could be a little dirty, stained, spotted, wrinkled and untidy. If the person wearing…